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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

One big, happy family under the same roof?

For example, the New South Wales Government in Australia has reduced the complexity of obtaining planning,Louise goes on to suggest that the Scottish Government could perhaps revise planning permission barriers,These are all areas over which the Scottish Government has some control, which moves us away from a focus

Public Bodies (Joint Working) Scotland Bill

of outcomes envisaged in the Policy Memorandum, the Christie Commission report and the Scottish Government’s,We offer our support to the Scottish Government to make this happen either in the current bill, in secondary,Funded by the Scottish Government the pathfinder will consider how “a strategic investment in the capacity,More widely, the impact of the Coalition Government’s welfare reform agenda – the uncertainly over the

Health and Sport Committee call for evidence: Public Bodies (Joint Working) Scotland bill

As highlighted by CCPS in its response, the leadership needed from the Scottish Government is lacking,The Local Government Committee’s recent report on public service reform would certainly back this assertion,We are sceptical of the value of top-down or centrally driven changes to services.”[6] The Local Government,We will work with colleagues across the third sector and the Scottish Government and the Parliament to,news/value-carers-services-put-%C2%A3814m-year [4] Co production – What it is and how to do it (Governance

Regulations and Statutory Guidance to accompany the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013

The Scottish Government’s commitment to include case studies within the guidance is an important step,Research commissioned by the Scottish Government[ii] indicated that some of the costs of the increased,Independent Living Fund We must be cognisant of plans by the Westminster Government to wind up the Independent,The recent intervention of the Local Government Committee in the Scottish Parliament is timely – highlighting,Conclusion In emphasising the findings of the Local Government Committee, we must not lose sight of the

The future of European Funding never ends well

on the architecture of the funds and working hard to get their governments to accept their vital role,But we are still struggling to gain automatic participation in how these funds are governed, monitored,We are still struggling to gain automatic participation in how these funds are governed, monitored and,The UK government is obsessed with demonising Europe and suggesting it is holding us back.,I can’t help but wonder if we, the third sector, were given the £680m instead of government how much

Scotland Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014-2020

In designing a more streamlined application process, the Scottish Government must take full account of

Scottish Independence Referendum Bill

While there was a Government led Active Citizenship programme in the late 2000s, some of their most successful,recommends that communities be supported to undertake engagement activity, and that the Scottish and UK Governments

SCVO welfare reform mapping report

Working in partnership with the Scottish Government, SCVO has gathered evidence from around 400 people,Finally, the report brings together a number of recommendations for the Scottish Government, local government

Welfare in Working Order: Points and Principles for the Scottish debate

It examines the impacts of the UK Government’s welfare cuts and reforms.,SCVO’s starting point is that the UK coalition Government’s welfare cuts are unmerited and unjust.

Funding Scotland