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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Support & learning blog

Total posts: 210 | Pages: 20 of 21

The internet brings great opportunity, but the way we use it risks excluding and exploiting those who need it most Read more

Notes from the latest meeting of the Ministerial Advisory Group on Digital Participation Read more

Go4IT is making sure the people with the most to gain from the online world aren’t getting left behind Read more

Just over two weeks to go, and we've added the Speaker's Commission on Digital Democracy to the lineup Read more

Helping people use the web is a complement, not a substitute, for other efforts on social inclusion Read more

Gosia from Third Age Computer Fun explains how it's never too late to go digital Read more

... quite simply, so you don’t miss out on the most diverse discussions about digital participation in Scotland this year #DigiScotFest14 Read more

And how participation and digital skills are central to jobs, growth and inclusion Read more

...and all the right noises, but actions speak louder than words Read more

We're planning a festival of ideas for getting everyone in Scotland online. Read more

Reflections on the UK Government's new Digital Inclusion Strategy Read more

Can you help us bid for Scotland to Get Connected? Read more

Highlights from the Scottish Parliament's Cross-Party Group on Digital Participation Read more

It's Digital Unite’s Spring Online week. A whole week dedicated to encouraging and supporting people to use the internet. Read more

Could you deliver digital skills training in the community? We want to hear from you! Read more

Here's one possibility: a world where user needs come first, and where no one is left behind Read more

Doesn't time fly? Catch up with the digital participation team - we've got new faces and plans afoot. Read more

1.3 million people in Scotland don't have basic online skills. It's time to tackle this head on. Read more

There’s just over a week to go to The Gathering, the annual two-day get-together for everyone working in or with Scotland’s third sector. Read more

My aim (not resolution) through this blog is to try to shine a light on the plans and progress of SCVO's digital participation team. Read more