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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Support & learning blog

Total posts: 9 | Pages: 1 of 1

The Digital Participation Charter Fund was first launched 9 years ago in October 2014, but back then we called it the Challenge Fund. The Challenge Fund set out to support organisations that work closely with local communities to “digitising content, building digital networks or... Read more

Ben Cairns (co-founder and director of IVAR) and Chris Mills (Research Associate at IVAR) explore what strategic charity reserves management means and its benefits, in their latest blog for Small Charity Week 2023. 'We’re a small charity with a small turnover. We know we’re... Read more

Guidance on effective grant management relationships between Scottish Government and third sector grantholders. Read more

As lockdown restrictions begin to ease many organisations will be looking forward to restarting fundraising activities. From street fundraising to bake sales, the relaxing of lockdown rules offers opportunities for charities to bring in much needed funds and reconnect with donors... Read more

Cyber Essentials is like an MOT test for your car – it confirms that your IT systems have passed a key set of standards. If you can show that your organisation is meeting the security standards in Cyber Essentials, you can be confident that you have some protection against the... Read more

Below is a blog by the team at North Ayrshire Women’s Aid, outlining their activities which have been supported by the Digital Participation Charter Fund: 'The Universal Women project began in March 2018, initially as a way to support the women in our service cope with the... Read more

Cyber security threats are growing, and many charities are still at risk. When I speak to charities through our digital checkup process, cyber security is often on their radar. But quite a number of charities haven't yet taken action to improve their cyber defences. The good news... Read more

Any successful charity should have a diverse range of funding sources. Income generation through trading, by selling goods or services for a profit, can be an attractive prospect, but you need to look before you leap! There’s a lot to think about before considering trading, and... Read more

Looking back on a hugely successful year. Read more