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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Safer recruitment and employment

the right support and knowledge on safeguarding is key.,You could: Provide a clear role description, describing the responsibilities involved and the knowledge,Consider your interview process and how to discuss your organisation’s values and commitment to safeguarding,Practical ways to support a positive safeguarding culture include embedding it within induction, training,and your team's ongoing support and supervision.

Policies and procedures

Identify the safeguarding risks in your work Your safeguarding activity needs to be suitable for your,Trustees are responsible for assessing and managing all of the risks their organisation faces.,Adopt the right policies and procedures Safeguarding policies outline what your organisation will do,When developing your safeguarding policies and procedures, you should consider your organisation’s activities,Consulting your team or those benefiting from your organisation when developing your policies and procedures

Safeguarding in digital, fundraising and overseas

Safeguarding is something you should consider in all areas of your work, when you're assessing risk and,In this section, we look at some specific areas where you should think about safeguarding, along with

Meet the trainers

Known widely for her impactful approach rooting interventions in each organisation’s responsibility and,Philippa's current courses: Guide to good governance: running effective board meetings, Guide to good,He has supported businesses, charities and institutions in areas of information security and data protection,He leads safeguarding training at our sister council NCVO and is UK Regional Advisor for the Funder Safeguarding,guides to safeguarding and the law.

SCVO Digital Call To Action 3

organisation Rather than having a separate digital strategy, consider embedding your digital ambitions,Support organisations are able to link together relevant training and support to help the sector along,Encourage your team to keep building their skills, eg by supporting shared ‘learning hours’ once a month,has been upskilling and staff changing and adapting, trying new things and running with them.,Young service users were provided with their own O365 accounts with appropriate safeguarding measures

The Law

During 2025/26, new legal responsibilities around employment law, charity law, safeguarding and controlled,which may come into force in future years. Planning prompts Sources of support,Scotland website All SCVO’s legal partners offer up to 2 hours of free legal advice for SCVO Member Organisations

A new Third Sector Governance Code for 2024

So in 2022 we undertook a review of the Code with the support of the Robertson Trust.,provide a safe and respectful culture for all, as well as comply with legal safeguarding duties and,responsibilities.,Whether you’re a new trustee or a full-on governance geek who’s been on large charity Boards for many,years, we want your input.

The charity (de)banking landscape

This has largely been replaced with Know Your Customer (KYC) processes, a regulatory requirement for,the process for setting up a charity bank account; recognise that it is in all our interests to safeguard,, putting these organisations, the communities they support, and the sector’s reputation, at risk.,have a responsibility to deliver good outcomes for retail customers and address issues that risk causing,response.

Small Charity Week 2023

online webinars across the UK and attend our own free lunchtime webinar on Trustee Roles and Responsibilities,worry if you can’t make that, we have a rich source of webinar recordings on topics ranging from safeguarding,hours of expertise to organisations across the country.,If you’re big enough to take on staff but too small for a HR advisor, then our new HR Service is for,organisation and give you a personalised action plan at the end.

You can find the whole range of our recorded webinars on the SCVO YouTube channel - as well as lots more videos curated for the voluntary sector in Scotland. Highlights We've picked some highlights for you here by topic, to get you started: