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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Cost of living crisis: SCVO and Volunteer Scotland briefing for MPs

In the first instance, the publication online of a clear policy statement relating to the impact on Work,A high proportion of organisations experienced rising costs across the following key cost categories:,The DWP have produced a policy statement on this issue but have not permitted its publication online.,impact made by volunteersdevelop skills through training and useful volunteer development tools, policies,for voluntary organisationspromote and grow volunteering through partners, funders, Government, and policy

#ChristiePlus10: Radical Scotland? Not yet, but we can be if we choose.

#ChristiePlus10: a series of expert blogs reflecting on ten years since the publication of the Christie Commission.

Economic disruption is essential for social change

In this guest blog, I have been asked to set out some answers to how we can contribute to changing the,affect change, she describes taxes, regulations and standards as examples of the least effective category,Our role can be internal such as changing organisational purchasing or travel policy.

Holyrood 2021: what the voluntary sector wants

TFN's guide to charity election manifestos

SCVO response to Scottish Parliament Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee

Both big policy areas that the third sector in Scotland lead the way on.,A blog entitled Future of the Funds was set up by the Managing Authority (MA) to inform people but it,This is common throughout all categories of delivery with expenditure achieved to date in the Transition,Government would match at source based on their domestic policy programmes.,Contacts Alison Cairns, Head of European Affairs or Ruchir Shah, Head of Policy.

AI and the third sector

To my mind, these fall into three broad categories: new ways for charities to achieve their mission changing,Kendra Briken (University of Strathclyde), Tom Cheesewright ( and SCVO’s Policy

Developing this website

More positively; it was well-used - by people sharing posts by our policy team, reading pages about how,- should be to promote what the organisation does, provide a platform to allow press releases and blog,Relevant to the sector, media, MSPs and activists - campaigning, news, policy.,Existing blog posts would be ported over to keep a history of what has been published and to allow for,The facility to show blog posts, press releases, authors, related posts, and post categories was pulled

Right Approach Campaign: July - December 2016

application of human rights-based approaches and the sector can be divided up into three broad categories,identified the need for a campaign to promote the human rights work of organisations in the first category,generate greater shared ownership, with an embedded link to a blog or podcast.,and their carers to help shape policy and practice.,Our policy officer’s blog for the campaign gained tremendous traction in dementia circles too – a concerted

It's time to put Human Rights at the heart of Scotland’s constitution

CP rights are usually the focus, because this is the category of human rights protected under European,social and cultural rights, we will, by definition, do a better job of tackling poverty The two categories,It was ESC rights the UN referred to when it said that UK Government austerity policies are a breach

SCVO response to Scottish Government Enterprise and Skills consultation

space to realise how they can best contribute to society outside the traditional Beveridge-era categories,Contact Ruth Boyle Policy Officer Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre,our governance and membership structures are democratic and accountable - with an elected board and policy