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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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SCVO Impact Report 2022/23

SCVO to support these organisations, and as ever, we were inspired by the achievements, strength and resilience,valuable support services directly from SCVO or via our pro-bono partners to develop and build their capacity,The UK Community Renewal Fund SCVO secured funding to create 31 six-month voluntary sector work experience,by funded by SCVO, The Scottish Government, The National Lottery Community Fund and The William Grant,remote learning for children completing schoolwork online improved ease for those needing to search and apply

Programme for Government proposal: Delivering Fair Funding by 2026

sector to secure the resilience and capacity it needs to support the transformation and delivery of person-centred,was developed through significant research and engagement with Scotland’s voluntary sector. 2.,organisations have described the current financial year as the worst ever in terms of the process for applying,was developed through significant research and engagement with Scotland’s voluntary sector. 2.,Fair Funding, multi-year funding and timely decisions, communications, and payments support by streamlined

Meet the trainers

and making the learning as real and appropriate for the participants as possible, so that they can apply,He has specific expertise in management & leadership development, teamwork, personal resilience, unconscious,Adapt and develop your management skills: managing people in the modern world and Building personal resilience,Pam's current courses: Get started with fundraising: building capacity to raise funds and Develop your,fundraising skills: thriving funds in difficult times Pamela Redpath Pamela became a trainer 20+ years

Inquiry into the Scottish Government’s Public Service Reform programme - SCVO response

several organisations telling us that this year has been the worst ever in terms of the process for applying,) and the Adult Learning and Empowering Communities Fund (ALEC).,, enabling the third sector to secure the resilience and capacity it needs to support the transformation,We were only able to provide a 2% pay rise this year which goes no way to meeting the cost of living,, and to promote community connection and resilience.

SCVO response to FoI Reform Bill consultation (Katy Clark MSP)

and joined-up regulatory model should look like and to identify gaps and overlaps in accountability. 2.,and joined-up regulatory model should look like and to identify gaps and overlaps in accountability. 2.,For example, local community groups that might not be charities can apply for public funds for a range,from private funding sources, bringing additional value and benefit to our communities.,, and to promote community connection and resilience.

SCVO response to Access to Information Rights consultation (Scottish Government)

and joined-up regulatory model should look like and to identify gaps and overlaps in accountability. 2.,and joined-up regulatory model should look like and to identify gaps and overlaps in accountability. 2.,For example, local community groups that might not be charities can apply for public funds for a range,from private funding sources, bringing additional value and benefit to our communities.,, and to promote community connection and resilience.

SCVO Scottish Budget Summary 2021

understand some of the high-level implications of the budget for the Scottish economy, the sector and the communities,There will be debates in January/February 2022 (Stage 1 debate 27 January, Stage 2 Committee 1st February,Capacity and Resilience Fund (CCRF); the Strengthening Collaboration initiative outlined in the Programme,The environment (Low carbon spending £2 billion of low carbon spending on housing, transport, industry,to apply this for adult social care staff.

SCVO submission to the Finance Committee on Scotland's public finances

The pandemic has laid bare the voluntary sector’s unparalleled role in the resilience of Scotland’s communities,benefitsThe confidence and motivation to go online SCVO have been working on digital inclusion and capacity,successful youth employability programmes delivered by the voluntary sector at risk as we approach Phase 2,Group on Economic Recovery (AGER) called on the Scottish Government to 'take action to protect the capacity,, three-year funding, and the option to apply for core and project costs.

Coronavirus and its impact on the Scottish Voluntary Sector: a review of literature

and funding.,Funding and Support The OSCR survey found that 25% of respondents had applied for emergency funding.,disrupted, figure 2.,Figure 2: Impact on Services by Income Group.,level.Devolve decision making and resource allocation to the lowest practicable level.Continue to build resilience