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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Holyrood 2021: what the voluntary sector wants

TFN's guide to charity election manifestos

What exactly do we mean by fairness?

We must work together to make sure that the word ‘fair’ has a strong, practical definition

SCVO BriefingCreating a Fairer Scotland

Is Scotland Fairer?,as outlined in the Is Scotland Fairer?,In our submission to the Fairer Scotland employability consultation we argued that we need to put people,SCVO believes that we need to value all forms of contribution, not just jobs, and to tailor support to,becomes a fairer nation.

Briefing: issues for the third sector beyond 2016

Policy briefing 8 April 2016 Taking action together SCVO briefing: issues for the third sector beyond,2016 Our vision A fairer Scotland is our vision for the future.,The Scottish Government have accepted the fairer Scotland principles.,On their own, national and local governments cannot solve these problems or create a fairer and more,Capacity & Resilience Fund – Interim Report Briefing: public sector funding Creating a Fairer Scotland

SCVO Briefing - Scottish Labour Employment Debate

Fairer and Healthier Scotland) are welcome responses to the challenges outlined in this motion.,Politically, Scotland is in the perfect policy environment within which to re-think, re-design and re-create,[ii] Independent and Scottish Green Party Debate: An End to In-work Poverty - SCVO briefing [iii] SCVO,SCVO works in partnership with the third sector in Scotland to advance our shared values and interests,As the only inclusive representative umbrella organisation for the sector SCVO: has the largest Scotland-wide

SCVO Response to Devolution Committee call for written evidence on the Scotland Bill

Powers to the Scottish Parliament SCVO believes it is important to emphasise that the Scotland Bill serves,Given the significant financial contribution Gift Aid makes to Scotland's third sector, SCVO firmly believes,SCVO raised this in its previous evidence to the Committee, and detailed this in a briefing to MPs ahead,take a holistic, integrated approach to supporting people, building on ambitions identified within the Fairer,SCVO works in partnership with the third sector in Scotland to advance our shared values and interests

Work, wages and wellbeing in the Scottish labour market

creating low-paid and/or insecure work.,As a recent briefing form NHS Health Scotland highlighted, to reduce health inequalities, action is needed,SCVO works in partnership with the third sector in Scotland to advance our shared values and interests,As the only inclusive representative umbrella organisation for the sector SCVO: has the largest Scotland-wide,References [i] [ii] http

SCVO response to Scottish Government consultation on Changes to the Public Procurement Rules in Scotland

the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Bill, who have produced a briefing regarding a range of issues.,SCVO supports that document, entitled Civil Society Priorities for Procurement in Scotland: A Strong,,Building a fairer Scotland and tackling inequality. Passing power to people and communities.,Furthermore, SCVO has for many years heard from members about the difficulty across Scotland (not in,strong economy, and to build a fairer Scotland for all.