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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

David McNeill

Strategic Director of Development

Looking after our strategy to support digital participation, evolution and innovation in Scotland's third sector.

Latest posts by David McNeill

Today the SCDI published the report and recommendations from the The Business Purpose Commission for Scotland. As a member of the Commission, I found the discussion fascinating in exploring the role of the public, private and voluntary sectors in delivering economic, social and... Read more

What’s your view of how purposeful business practices generally are in Scotland now? SCVO has supported voluntary organisations to make Scotland a better place since 1944. The past few decades have seen a significant shift to the ways the public, private and voluntary sectors... Read more

About SCVO The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national membership body for Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector. We champion the sector, provide services and debate big issues. We’re passionate about what the voluntary sector can achieve. Along with our... Read more

Today we’ve launched the 2022 Scottish Charity Awards with the invitation to organisations across the country to share their amazing stories of success and achievement over the past year. Don’t hide your light under a bushel. Every organisation will have a story to tell about the... Read more

What’s your wish for the new year? That’s the question that’s been asked in a few meetings I’ve been in recently. The answer has been pretty unanimous: we’re looking forward to getting together in person again. Two years ago, in February 2020, over 3,000 people from the voluntary... Read more

Over the past 16 months, Connecting Scotland has provided a combination of digital kit, connectivity and support to tackle digital exclusion in more than 50,000 households across Scotland. This has only been possible through the support of people working in more than 800 unique... Read more

As the sun shone this weekend, many of us were pleased that lockdown restrictions were eased slightly as we entered Phase 1 in Scotland’s route map through and out of the coronavirus crisis. As we move into the next phase, it is important to understand the impacts of the initial... Read more

Today the Lloyds Banking Group publish the findings of the latest UK Business Digital Index survey, including a dedicated report for the charity sector. It is hugely encouraging to see the results demonstrate the progress being made by charities in adapting to our digital world... Read more

About SCVO Digital The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national body representing the third sector. SCVO Digital works to encourage Scotland’s Third Sector organisations to explore, adapt, invest and collaborate to become more digitally confident and to... Read more

Cyber security. Maybe that term conjures up an image in your mind of a hacker in a hoodie attempting to break into government systems, just like we see in films. However, the reality is that cyber crime is big business, perpetrated by organised crime groups, nation states and... Read more