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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Sneak preview of our next Building Better Governance session

I closed our Building Better Governance six seminar series in last November with an evening seminar on,have a standard set of things we like to talk about, mostly connected with our research into good governance,practice, and our findings from the range of governance reviews we carry out with diverse nonprofits

We need a new way of doing local government in Scotland

for centrally-dictated services; their budgets and priorities heavily controlled by the Scottish Government,are greater, wards smaller, and councillor salaries are higher - the remoteness of Scottish local government,other hand, maybe people would prefer for councils to become more like extensions the Scottish Government

By the time Brexit's finished UK negotiators will have to eat more than chlorinated chicken

willing to budge, and if you were looking for evidence of progress, it was scant - both the UK Government,Unsurprisingly the UK Government's performance got panned both in Brussels and at home.,Of course maybe I've just missed some detailed papers the UK Government had published.,You may even be forgiven for being optimistic about the next round if you thought the UK Government would,However with a Prime Minister in office but not in power, and a Cabinet & Government in disarray, it

Third sector must voice concerns on EU (Withdrawal) Bill

With UK Government or Tory party policy – take your pick, depending on your perspective – disarray on,The new potential raft of powers for UK Government could potentially mean that Parliament is denied any,It's the Government that’s taking back control from us, and here's why - as it stands this Bill will,Well, the EU (Withdrawal) Bill makes it very clear that the UK Government is the one getting any control

The Global Goals: what’s in it for you? (Part 2)

with the Scottish Action Plan on Human Rights and the SDGs - a commitment made by the Scottish Government,in its Open Government National Action Plan.,This agenda needs domestic leadership and the third sector can help the Scottish Government develop its,My next blog will consider the importance of a more transparent, accountable and participative government,– an open government – to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

You can keep your olive branch

of her leadership and government.,Evidently the urge to give the government a public kicking is too much for even Mr Corbyn to resist.,not yet ready to embark on her own stand-up career) the current First Minister too is planning a government,The governing party swaggers around for a few years and then, when they find themselves limping, look

Funding Scotland