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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

SCVO response to call for evidence on the Council Tax (Substitution of Proportion) (Scotland) Order 2016

Whilst our local government elections suffer from low turnout, the principle of subsidiarity is still,sound – so we ask to what extent it is desirable for central government to seek to implement such specific,to local tax Secondly, with the move to open data and transparency – something that the Scottish Government,is part of through the multilateral Open Government Partnership, and that civil society is involved,charities, community groups, social enterprises and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizes our governance

SCVO response to Barclay Review of Business Rates in Scotland

We hope that the Scottish Government will take this opportunity to reiterate their commitment to the,would welcome an open discussion as to how we can create something consistent that fits with local government,For this reason, perhaps it would be worthwhile if the Scottish Government and local government could,There are also calls from some in the sector for greater flexibility in terms of how local government,Guidance for local authorities, designed in collaboration between Scottish Government, local government

Consultation response to Scottish Parliament inquiry on a Scottish approach to taxation

will help inform discussions and will add to those principles already outlined by the Scottish Government,We are pleased to see this principle within the Scottish Government’s own principles for tax. 2.,We welcome the commitment made by the Scottish Government in terms of participatory budgeting, and hope,The Scottish Government’s Community Choices Fund for participatory budgeting is very welcome, but if,– this implies a shift in how central and local governments negotiate their funding settlements. 3.

How can business rates best support charities?

The Scottish Government recently announced a review of business rates in Scotland to see how the system,In both cases, the Government heeded these calls.,This would mean that central government could grant charities 100% business rate relief.

Tax time!

Although on that point, it’s worth me flagging up the UK Government’s current consultation on tax digitalisation,This is the desire by the UK Government to put tax accounts online – both for businesses and individuals,Oh, before I go, I should let you know that we have also responded to the Local Government and Communities

Want to make a difference? Join the SCVO Policy Committee

across their organisations to individuals working at the highest levels of the UK and Scottish Governments

Scottish Government: Taking Scotland Forward – Scotland’s Economy, Short Term Resilience and Long Term Opportunities

and continues to advocate that reducing economic inequality should be prioritised by the Scottish Government,Income, Regional and Social Inequality SCVO considers that any future Scottish Government economic strategies,As the Scottish Government’s Expert Group on Welfare stated, it is important to both “promote work as,We are heartened by the Scottish Government’s commitment to tackling inequality and recognition that,We hope, therefore, that this debate will highlight some of the ways in which the Scottish Government

Opening up government

We have been selected as part of the International Subnational Government Programme.,The programme is led by the Open Government Partnership, set up by 69 of the world's leading nations,to make governments more responsive to their citizens.,Until now all of the action has been on governments eligible for full United Nations membership.,Firstly, the Open Government project requires governments to work out their commitments jointly with

Human Rights belong to us all

It won’t be easy, but it’s an aim that this Government is prioritising in all we do.,I believe this approach is vital to the decisions the Scottish Government makes on a day to day basis,It’s also why we’re opposing the UK Government’s proposals to repeal the Human Rights Act.,While we want to make sure we protect the human rights of people across these islands, the UK Government,The Scottish Government takes seriously the principle that human rights belong to all people equally,

Scottish Parliament European and External Relations Committee Written Call for Evidence - Scotland’s relationship with the EU

It was agreed by many that the UK Government should do more to make clear its stance on human rights,Whilst we welcome commitments from the Scottish Government to continue EU funding to 2018, there are,The spending decisions made by the UK Government in the Autumn Statement and in the Scottish Government,We ask the Scottish Government to consider this in their contingency planning.,and UK Government.

Funding Scotland