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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Opening up open government

On the 17 February Involve, SCVO and the Scottish Government held an Open Government workshop at the,to Open Government, and stated that the Open Government Action Plan will be a way to set out ‘how the,the UK wide Open Government Civil Society Network.,the Scottish Government and a small group of civil society partners.,To get involved in the Scottish Open Government Network sign-up to the online forum.

Human rights and the Scottish Youth Parliament

managed to get our message on child poverty across, as well as other areas where the UK and devolved governments,Votes at 16 was then included in a question to the government for the official examination just last

Who's up for being a Land Commissioner?

Before the Land Reform Review Group reported in 2014, government interest in land reform was thought,yet today, a progressive programme of land reform is being seen as a central plank of Scottish Government,Recognising that land reform is both long term and multi-dimensional, the Scottih Government has committed

Scotland to lead the way in making governments more open & work better for people

in a pilot programme which has selected Scotland as one of 14 pioneers across the world to make governments,Led by the Open Government Partnership (OGP), a powerful project set up by 69 of the world's leading,nations to make governments more responsive to their citizens, the pilot programme will require governments,to work with charities and wider civil society to drive forward open government reform.,to strengthen governance.

Scottish charities protect our human rights every day

Like many, I was dismayed that on re-election in May, the UK Government confirmed that it will “bring,run through the basis of service provision, to challenging the legality of decision making by a government

Human Rights central to campaigning for women’s equality in Scotland

equality in Scotland, Engender is able to use the international obligations which the UK and Scottish governments

Apprenticeship Levy Consultation

We support the proactive approach taken by the Scottish Government in seeking to utilise the levy to,The levy presents an opportunity for the Scottish Government to re-align the ERI and the expanding apprenticeship,SDS and the Scottish Government should foster deeper collaboration with the third sector to harness such,Through working with SDS and the Scottish Government, there may be possibilities for greater streamlining

Introducing the #RightApproach

Well for one it seems back in the news again with the UK Government reaffirming plans to press ahead

Digital Innovation

They have been funded by the Scottish Government to train up software developers from scratch.

Funding Scotland