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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

State of the Sector 2013

With the support of local and national government, the third sector is primed to continue to respond,to individuals and communities in the face of growing need and the impositions of UK & Scottish Government's

An economy for people not just for business

The Scottish Government is persisting with the same economic strategy which caused the crash in the first,This also applies to the UK Government and Better Together.,Did I really think this audience was interested in the fact that successive UK and Scottish Government

White paper no knight in shining armour

Tuesday will see the launch of the Scottish Government’s White Paper on independence.

The need for change in public service delivery is obvious

The local government and regeneration committee of the Scottish Parliament noted in its final report,I wonder whether we can encourage a less parochial perspective towards the spatial dimension of governance

Third sector visions for a Scotland of the future

The Scottish Government has begun to outline some of its own views on this.,The Scottish Government Paper, “Scotland’s Future” lays out a clear statement of intent designed to shape,clear and fair social contract of rights and responsibilities for both Scottish citizens and the government,As Lead Scotland’s response to a recent consultation says: “Lead Scotland would like to see the government,[lviii] Submission to The Scottish Government’s Expert Group on Welfare – Duffy and Dalrymple (Centre

Searching for Empowerment in the Community Empowerment Bill

potentially the biggest transfer of power since devolution, transferring power from central and local Government,The government must now show courage, make good on its promises and give some real powers to communities

Open letter to Lord Wallace on Lobbying Bill

We call on the UK Government to drop this part of the bill without delay so that this affront to democracy

Would you pay more tax so everyone can earn a living wage?

The Scottish Government’s 2012 guarantee to pay the living wage to all its directly employed staff was,What’s more, the government’s living wage commitment applies only to those it directly employs.,spend on public services Cutting the level of debt continues to be a key aim of the UK coalition government,Securing the living wage fits well with the Scottish Government’s aim of increased equality.

New director to lead push to get people online

Yiu, who will start in his new post on 4 November, was previously Head of the Digital Government Unit,He will now spearhead the digital participation element of the Scottish Government’s plans for creating,executive at SCVO, said: “Chris has a wide range of skills and experience built up across roles in government,This is particularly important because the UK Government’s digital by default plans mean that very soon

Funding Scotland