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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

New director to lead push to get people online

Yiu, who will start in his new post on 4 November, was previously Head of the Digital Government Unit,He will now spearhead the digital participation element of the Scottish Government’s plans for creating,executive at SCVO, said: “Chris has a wide range of skills and experience built up across roles in government,This is particularly important because the UK Government’s digital by default plans mean that very soon

Scots want clarity, not endless mudslinging

However, over these 18 months, the Scottish Government will face a series of tough negotiations with,Salmond has been consistent in his opposition to the UK government’s welfare reforms but he is yet to,What new sources of revenue would an independent Scotland under SNP government find to ease the growing,campaign to secure anything above 44 or 45 per cent of the vote, the momentum towards greater self-government

Local Government & Regeneration Committee inquiry - The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (Designation of Persons as Scottish Public Authorities) Order 2013

SCVO welcomes the opportunity to contribute this written submission to the Local Government and Regeneration,third sector’ and the many different types of organisations in the sector utilise a wide variety of governance,However, separation from government is a key principle and demarcation of the third sector.,this would be to insert a Freedom of Information clause into all contractual relationships between government,on charities and social enterprises and would discriminate against them in respect of their non-government

Lords must reject threat to charity campaigning

The problem with this bill is that it has failed to address that ambiguity and despite late government

Scotland’s health challenge

It just might help our sector, government and parliament to redirect effort to the real challenges facing

Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee – Draft Budget 2013/2014

Community transport We note the Government Scottish Government’s response to the Investment and Infrastructure,It is vital that local authorities, public bodies and Government continue to recognise the value that

We need to invest in people not humiliate them

will be forced into community service, John Downie, Director of Public Affairs, SCVO said: “The UK Government

Charities to help get vulnerable people online

The UK Government’s digital by default plans mean that very soon people will also have to go online to,Scotland, will chair a leadership group which will oversee the work on behalf of SCVO and the Scottish Government,The programme is being backed by the Scottish Government, Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External,The newly created position of Director of Digital, funded by Government and recruited by SCVO, will provide

A sticking plaster approach to the budget?

Government needs to think carefully here about what it can do to rebuild the economy from bottom up.

Integration of Adult Health and Social Care: Consultation on proposals

point out in their response to this call for evidence, the leadership needed from the Scottish Government,The Local Government Committee’s recent report on public service reform would certainly back this assertion,quality services which are responsive to user needs so it seems logical to extend this to co-produced governance,Guidance issued to health boards via the Scottish Public Health Network (ScotPHN) outlines the UK Government’s

Funding Scotland