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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Digital democracy at #DigiScotFest14

more effective in: representing the people making laws scrutinising the work and performance of government

Introducing Milo

board - with representation from SCVO, Voluntary Action Scotland, Volunteer Scotland and Scottish Government,Opening up data so that more people can benefit from it is an important priority for the Scottish Government

Digital Participation: Three weeks, three strategies...

Our friends in London were first off the blocks with a new UK Government Digital Inclusion Strategy,,closely followed by the Scottish Government's snappily titled National Digital Participation Framework,make the most of the web is an important social issue, it will take genuine partnership across government,The UK strategy introduced a new UK digital inclusion charter, whilst the Scottish Government reaffirmed,of Edinburgh committee talk about an undeniable right to digital inclusion, whilst the Scottish Government

What happens if your treasurer runs off with the funds, or why your constitution is so important

Your governing document is the formal rules by which your organisation is run.,Find your governing document at the back of that drawer and dust it off.,So go on, find your governing document at the back of that drawer and dust it off.,Get yourself a governance health check! We’re cleaning house here at SCVO.,Publication | The SCVO Guide to Good Governance is available to buy online. [/info-box]

Shaking up local democracy?

The acknowledgement that local democracy is about more than local government and representative democracy,about how people can participate in democratic processes without restricting discussions to local government

An Economy for All report #economyforall

Then the Government started a programme of austerity measures and welfare reforms.,How can we, as a sector, encourage business and government to create the kind of economy that would prevent,The Scottish Government has moved someway against this through its National Performance Framework[xxxvii,[xxv] Carers Legislation – Consultation on Proposals – January 2014, Scottish Government (2014), p2.,[xxxvi] See, for example, Scotland’s Economic Future Post-2014 Submission to the Scottish Government

This is for everyone

This week the UK Government published its Digital Inclusion Strategy and Digital Inclusion Charter, as,trailed in last year's Government Digital Strategy and Information Economy Strategy (PDF).,This is an important step forward - for the first time the UK Government has articulated, clearly and,in inclusion Making significant progress on digital inclusion is a shared responsibility across government

The opportunity of technology for the third sector

Power is easier to get, harder to use and easier to lose: mass uprisings displacing governments around

Funding Scotland