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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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SCVO response to FoI Reform Bill consultation (Katy Clark MSP)

For example, local community groups that might not be charities can apply for public funds for a range,Funding is often partial and short-term and requires a mix of different streams for individual projects,from private funding sources, bringing additional value and benefit to our communities.,Ensuring that organisations can secure funding for all the costs involved in running a project or service,, and to promote community connection and resilience.

SCVO response to Access to Information Rights consultation (Scottish Government)

For example, local community groups that might not be charities can apply for public funds for a range,Funding is often partial and short-term and requires a mix of different streams for individual projects,from private funding sources, bringing additional value and benefit to our communities.,Ensuring that organisations can secure funding for all the costs involved in running a project or service,, and to promote community connection and resilience.

SCVO submission to the Finance Committee on Scotland's public finances

The pandemic has laid bare the voluntary sector’s unparalleled role in the resilience of Scotland’s communities,SCVO is currently conducting several research and engagement projects concerning funding, including better,processes in Scotland are administered could alleviate the pre- and post-pandemic funding challenges,issue the sector faces, with funding often restricted to specific projects and outcomes.,, three-year funding, and the option to apply for core and project costs.

SCVO submission to the House of Lords: lessons from coronavirus

and three large proactive and reactive funds: The Third Sector Resilience Fund (TSRF), the Wellbeing,Fund, and the Supporting Communities Fund.,The Third Sector Resilience Fund (TSRF) was a £20m+ emergency fund for charities, community groups, social,The fund’s purpose was to support projects targeting the immediate needs of vulnerable people in the,This does not include publicly, or independently, funded posts that are not eligible for furlough.

Scottish Budget 2019/20

The sector needs a sustainable funding model to maintain and build capacity to deliver quality services,Although the resilience of Scotland’s third sector has seen it navigate through a decade of cuts and,funding was enough to cover core costs for the activity associated with the funding and contract in 2016,Current arrangements fail to recognise the need for long-term projects or planning, resulting in regular,The sector needs longer-term funding to maintain and build capacity to deliver quality services and retain

Third Sector Forecast 2019

contracts only: 3%, both grants and contracts: 53%).,Cuts 4 Ageing population 4 Premises 3 Brexit 3 Public sector funding 3 Living Wage 3 Capacity 3 Poverty,not considering the development of partnerships from the perspective of ethos and values or financial resilience,and no signs of improvement” “Recruitment and retention as the rise in the Living Wage devalues our posts,new innovative services” “We will continue to embed our programme of values led, relationship based resilience

Community Capacity and Resilience Fund guidance notes

about the fund requirements Introduction In this 4th round of the Community Capacity and Resilience fund,The Community Capacity & Resilience Fund is looking to support a broad range of projects and activities,Funding from the Community Capacity & Resilience fund would enable us to hire an additional sessional,We received Community Capacity & Resilience funding previously.,The Community Capacity & Resilience fund is not intended to fund repeat projects/activity.

Analysis of Scottish Government Programme for Government

, including Activity Agreements, Inspiring Scotland 14-19 Fund and Community Jobs Scotland.,year £250 million will be transferred to from the NHS to Health and Social Care Partnerships to build capacity,, resilience and services.,This will be backed by the £2 million Community Choices Fund which opened for applications in June 2016,Third sector organisations have pointed to the lack of UK involvement in the project to establish a European

Briefing: issues for the third sector beyond 2016

future the principles of the Self-Directed Support Act should be extended through a partnership pilot project,allows the workers who fulfil those contracts in their communities to be paid the living wage.,Those who practice tax evasion should be excluded from public contracts.,Scotland from Carers Scotland, the Coalition of Carers in Scotland, Minority Ethnic Carers of Older People Project,Capacity & Resilience Fund – Interim Report Briefing: public sector funding Creating a Fairer Scotland

State of the Sector 2013

This is a positive step forward for the sector, which demonstrates the resilient nature of many third,Only 22% anticipate increases in paid staff, meaning that few will have any additional capacity with,in part-time posts advertised since 2010. ,key areas that organisations are looking at are: developing new income sources (72%), developing new projects,For the largest organisations funding cuts, securing public sector grants and contracts and increasing