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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Collaborative learning on obesity at The Gathering

of what works, as well as supporting the third sector’s engagement with the forthcoming Scottish Government,Health and Sport Committee’s short inquiry into obesity, and the consultation paper on the Scottish Government’s

No ‘due regard’ for Human Rights in Rights Based Social Security System

to ensure that the principles in the Bill, something we have heard a lot about from the Scottish Government,Astoundingly, despite the Scottish Governments rhetoric around a social security system based on human,The Scottish Government have recognised that through a rights-based approach to social security we can,third sector and civil society for inspiration and advice as we continue to work with the Scottish Government

Gender equality - it’s not a girl thing

On International Women’s day Sheghley Ogilvie looks at issues around gender equality, from ‘every day sexism’ to the serious social problems that stem from basic inequality. This week I went for lunch with a friend. We chatted about this and that and as we all do from time-to...

Budget (Scotland) (No.2) Bill - stage 1 debate

The Scottish Government must use the benefits system to really dig into poverty alleviation: as today,look in detail at the effect of income tax cuts on poverty rates in Scotland, using the Scottish Government’s,So, if the intention of the tax cut put forward by the Scottish Government is to help reduce poverty,,Assuming that the intention of Government – and of Parliament – is to overcome poverty in Scotland, what,We applaud the importance that both this Government and Parliament have placed on reducing poverty –

Working to shape the advice given to NHSScotland

NHS boards, clinical and professional networks, academia, national procurement and the Scottish Government

Leaving the Customs Union & Single Market will destroy our society

talks in London today (5 February) and must think he has entered the twilight zone - dealing with a Government,According to last week's leaked Government analysis, the UK will be left worse off under all economic,At the end of his talks with the Government, Michel Barnier warned that being outside the customs union

Sustainable Development Goals and poverty – what can Scotland do?

third sector, civic society and faith groups, the Give Me Five campaign is calling on the Scottish Government,With the new powers recently devolved to the Scottish Government around social security and tax raising

What does open government offer the Global Goals? (Part 3)

In being a member of the Open Government Partnership, Scotland is seeking a culture of governance that,Scotland was also one of the first governments to sign up to the Global Goals.,The Open Government Partnership recognises this link between open government principles and the SDGs,,in its current Open Government Action Plan.,and how inclusive will this government-led process be?

Trust me, I’m a charity?

It’s easier for government to ignore criticism from the third sector if charities don’t have the full,It’s also easier for government to put restrictive conditions on funding – or withdraw it completely

SCVO response to IPPR Scotland Research ahead of Budget Debate

not be effective at supporting the poorest households in Scotland, and will not help the Scottish Government,tax and benefits if Scotland really is to reduce poverty rates, and we believe that the Scottish Government

Funding Scotland