will be important in shaping what the new powers look like and the flexibility which the Scottish Government,inequality and creating a socially-just Scotland is indeed the primary purpose of the Scottish Government’s,Second, SCVO calls on the Scottish Government to ensure that its approach to employability and other,Sometimes, intentionally or not, national and local government policies in these areas and others can,Scotland should be allocated in anticipation of transfer of these powers and resources from the UK Government
Even with the underspend in the Fund this year, we still think it is likely that the Scottish Government,We are not clear how the Scottish Government is able to include a regulation on families under pressure,We welcome, however, Scottish Government commitments to work with the third sector to ensure we get the,Other third sector concerns raised are often long standing issues with which the Scottish Government,At a joint session with government officials and sector representatives earlier this month, the main
Secondly, SCVO supports the principle that each layer of government ought, generally, to be accountable,The hope is that by increasing accountability and transparency at each level of Government, citizens,With more new powers coming to Scotland under the Scotland Bill, and the Scottish Government’s Economic,charities, community groups, social enterprises and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizes our governance
SCVO welcomes the Scottish Government’s commitment to land reform and increased community,Scotland as well as an important factor in addressing inequality, it is important that the Scottish Government,As we outlined in our response[iv] to the Scottish Government consultation we are supportive of the introduction,We would like to see OSCR using its regulatory powers to investigate the governance and financial arrangements,Conclusion
SCVO is generally supportive of the approach taken by the Scottish Government to land reform
Lack of good governance in an organisation can not only lead to internal turmoil, it can also have far,A useful reference point to consider would be to include a ‘disputes clause’ in your governing document,If a dispute concerns internal governance, then the organisation could approach its national body, or,for their charity, as long as they are acting within the law and within the rules of the charity’s governing,Good governance is a subtle, ongoing and potentially difficult process, but who ever told you it would