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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

SCVO response: The future of land reform in Scotland

Do you agree that the Scottish Government should have a stated Land Rights and Responsibilities Policy,The Commission should be independent from government and should make delivery of the Land Rights and,In addition to the benefits to government derived from having access to more co-ordinated data, these,Sustainable development test for land governance Q. 14.,In this instance OSCR should be using its regulatory powers to investigate the governance and financial

Digital Changes Everything

As the Scottish Government’s Mike Neilson expressed, digital, data and people should be the 3 pillars

SCVO briefing: Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill, Stage 1 debate

We welcome the recommendationiii from the local Government Committee that an annual report be published,The recommendationsiv made by the Local Government Committee to improve legislation in this area are,We look forward to the Scottish Government bringing forward amendments at Stage 2 to strengthen this,We would like to see the Scottish Government draft amendments which address the issues identified around,The primary role for government and the public sector in this agenda must always be a supportive one

Brief thoughts on new powers for Scotland

On Thursday 22nd January the UK Government released draft legislation for a new Scottish devolution settlement,All powers over Scottish Parliament and Local Government elections are devolved.,The proposed framework includes a commitment to Barnett and notes that the Scottish Government block,In short, it makes the Scottish Government more responsible for the money it spends.,Any fiscal settlement will need to be agreed between the UK and Scottish Governments.

How your charity can avoid conflicts of interest

sample documents available on the web (check out the Small Charities Coalition), and SCVO’s Good Governance,Remember, as in all good governance, prevention is better than cure!

Draft legislation takes few steps backwards from Smith

Three days ahead of its Burns Night deadline, the UK Government has published its draft legislation to,right to do so, with today’s legislation allowing for mandatory referrals to be made to Scottish Government,draft clauses appear to place a number of restrictions on any schemes implemented by the Scottish Government,These are but draft clauses and there’s a long General Election campaign to come before a government

SCVO Workforce Survey 2015

Labour-Market/Local-Authority-Tables Workplace Employment Relations Study (ONS):,The frustrating times when your work is delayed or held back or limited by external forces, e.g. government,LA's, NHS etc Feeling that compare to the business world our job is totally undervalued by the government

Welfare Funds (Scotland) Bill, Stage 2

We again urge the Scottish Government to include a guiding principle within the Bill which acknowledges,The Scottish Government, through SNAP[iii] and other work, has consistently committed to human rights,The Scottish Government has consistently expressed a desire to create a more compassionate benefits system,Given the critical nature of the Fund and the potentially increased role of the Scottish Government in,Outsourcing amendment We acknowledge the widespread support for the proposed Government amendment at

Low Pay Britain

e-bay, i.e., all of us when we’re emptying our wardrobes/cupboards/attic) – just like when previous governments,employers on average 14% in wages for each employee, which means millions less in tax going to the Government

Funding Scotland