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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Charity trustee fearful of finance? Help is at hand...

March will cover Risk Management and Reserves and will show how risk management ties into good governance,Strong financial governance is vital in an effective charity, and whether you’re a new trustee, or one

Pushing for human rights at the heart of Social Security

We are also saying it must provide an adequate level of support, with the government using maximum available,and all monitoring must be open, transparent and accountable, following the principles of Open Government,To be fair to the Scottish Government, they have long talked about the importance of the human right,The Scottish Government faces budgetary and time pressures, of course, and there is widespread understanding

Sign our open letter on Scotland’s commitment to the SDGs

In 2015, the First Minister confirmed that the Scottish Government would be one of the first anywhere in,Are the SDGs embedded in the work of the Scottish Government, Scottish Parliament and Scotland’s Local

Does Erasmus+ have a future in the UK?

To allow continuity of European mobility activities, the Swiss government paid up for their own interim,In 2017, the federal government allocated 25.7 million francs (€21.9 million) to the programme.[4] There,The campaign asks the UK government to commit to maintaining participation in the Erasmus+ programme

SCVO calls out Scottish Government for side-lining third sector

"Unfortunately, this is another example of the third sector being side-lined by Scottish Government employability

The public view: trust, confidence and support of charities in Scotland

As a sector we need to address that, and earn people’s trust and respect through good governance, transparency,2014_-_general_public-1.pdf Charity Commission Ipsos Mori 2016 England & Wales

New year, new partner in the SCVO pro bono service

In 2017 our partners provided over 70 hours of free legal advice on a range of subjects from governance

Are election results an opportunity for more participative governance?

It is very difficult to influence Governments who have a large and stable majority because they don’t,That simple fact ought to make us optimistic for a more participative approach to governance.,If governance in a hung Parliament is going to work at all it needs all of us to lend our energies, ideas

SCVO appoints new Chief Executive

, driving forward a new approach to corporate parenting in collaboration with partners in local government

The Taylor Report is a small step along the road to fair work

Calls for the government to close a legal loophole that allows temporary staff from agencies to be paid,It is up to the UK Government, the Scottish Government and the third sector to push these principles,For the Scottish Government in particular, this is a prime opportunity to restate their commitment to

Funding Scotland