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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Fair Start Scotland: contracts, commissioning and the marginalisation of the third sector and those we support

This does not meet the Scottish Government’s ambition of a mixed-market of support.,Briefing in detail Scottish Government’s ambitions The third sector welcomed the Scottish Government’,In pursing the “Scottish Approach” the Scottish Government encouraged consortia approaches that reflect,Additionally, the Scottish Government acknowledged in their policy documentation “the need to develop,This means the Scottish Government’s objectives of a tailored, whole-person approach are diluted, if

Open Local Government

I’m enthusiastic about SCVO’s involvement in the Open Government Partnership.,Open government doesn’t just cover transparency, information and data.,The push for open government is, therefore, directly relevant to my work; and I know that many of my,funding from the Scottish Government has fallen by around 10% in real terms.,For local authorities, it’s about open government.

Third sector cut out of new employability landscape

disappointment at the lack of successful third sector organisations who have won bids in today’s Scottish Government,The announcement appears to be completely at odds with the Scottish Government’s stated ambitions for,John Downie, SCVO’s Director of Public Affairs, said: “The Scottish Government promised a brave new world

Five secrets to avoiding charity scandals

Guess what conclusion we reached - it all comes down to good governance.,That’s why this month’s Building Better Governance Programme is a must for anyone with a responsibility,for governance in their organisation.,Does your board know the difference between governance and day to day management?,Make sure you avoid scandal by Building Better Governance.

Flexible Workforce Development Fund means a race for funding

One of the prominent themes of the Scottish Government’s recent decisions on employability has been the,Last week, The Scottish Government announced the details of the Flexible Workforce Development Fund (,We acknowledge that the levy was imposed upon the Scottish Government by their UK counterparts.,organisations paying the levy deliver public services through contracts from Scottish and local government,If the proof is to be in the pudding of the Scottish Government’s employability decisions, I don’t think

Third sector cut out of employability landscape

Today's announcement is completely at odds with the Scottish Government’s stated ambitions for employability

SCVO's response to Prime Minister's Brexit speech in Florence

across Europe are currently involved in partnerships to tackle these head on, and we hope the UK Government

SCVO response to Social Security (Scotland) Bill Committee

to the Scottish Government.,The Scottish Government intends to develop Regulations with external help.,controlled by the UK Government), but does not say how these will be used.,The Scottish Government also has the power to create new benefits.,The Scottish Governments plans are ambitious.

What do you think of the water rates exemption scheme?

Scottish Government to review scheme and want to hear your views The Scottish Government is in the process,The Government are keen to hear how the system has been working for charities in Scotland since its introduction,It’s worth noting that this survey will form part of the Scottish Government’s review so this is a great,secure an exemption and further information on the exemption scheme is available from the Scottish Government

Charity Sector Set to Adopt Brexit Positions

With Brexit negotiations between the UK Government and Europe leaders now underway, Scotland’s charities,With the UK Government and European Commission both releasing a series of papers of their own, we think,Over the last year, SCVO has been working closely with charities, the Scottish Government, the UK Government

Funding Scotland