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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Silencing the third sector

If everyone who received money or support from the government was barred from political activity, the,Curiously they are also fine with ‘privately’ funded charities lobbying the government – so a wealthy,Part of the core contribution SCVO receives from the Scottish Government is for policy work that brings,Our voice is strong and it represents people whose views are challenging to government policy.,Our voice is strong and it represents people whose views are challenging to government policy.

We want public service reform! When do we want it? Erm…

In his foreword to the Christie Report, Campbell Christie urged the Scottish Government to act quickly,Maybe we could learn from the Welsh Government’s Commission on Public Service Governance and Delivery,What would happen if we turned around to the Scottish Government and said: “You’ve got three years to

Parliamentary debate: responding to welfare reform

It’s worth looking at the success of the Scottish Government-funded Community Jobs Scotland scheme compared

Scotland's Outlook campaign stats

Sources 870 000 people in Scotland still live in poverty The Poverty Alliance Poverty and Income Inequality Scotland: 2011-12 Households below average income A fifth of children in Scotland are living below the breadline Poverty in Scotland Summary Briefing Sixth of people living...

Alex Salmond address to The Gathering

This government hugely values the work you do – often in partnership with central or local government,The overwhelming message I want to get across this morning is that the Scottish government shares - not,You’ve seen over the last year how the Scottish Government has worked with you to express our shared,By next year, the UK Government’s welfare cuts will reduce household incomes in Scotland by a total of,The Council of Economic Advisers of the Scottish Government has been in the news of late.

Public Bodies Bill: Stage 3 debate

The pathfinder is funded by the Scottish Government and is the first stage of a national programme by,became an equal partner because it got to sign off the Change Fund Plans (supported by the Scottish Government

Charities question First Minister & Alistair Darling on Referendum

“This government is committed to supporting the development of a capable, sustainable and enterprising,bringing the voices of communities into the public and political arena and helping to inform and shape government

Poverty isn’t a spectator sport

Low paid, unstable jobs are the result of an economic approach beloved by the UK Government and although,sometimes less obvious, the Scottish Government too.

Alistair Darling address to The Gathering

Annual Gathering, Thursday 20 February 2014 The work of the third sector, often in partnership with government

Digital participation at The Gathering

Mike Neilson from the Scottish Government, Professor Michael Fourman from the Royal Society of Edinburgh

Funding Scotland