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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Research blog

Total posts: 86 | Pages: 6 of 9

Context SCVO’s report into charitable public fundraising in Scotland was published on 23 September, alongside a review conducted by Sir Stuart Etherington for the Cabinet Office of the UK Government. Both reports share the broad conclusions that the current arrangements are not... Read more

Legislation is negative for the Scottish third sector, especially smaller organisations Read more

We've been clear from the outset of this project that we're going to put our users first. Of course, when you're running product development it's easy to get carried away with the build and to lose touch with what your users actually need it to do. The team - and the people... Read more

People contribute to society in different ways at different times. They are driven by a need to support themselves and their families, share things with other people around them and do something meaningful with their lives. Sustainable and meaningful paid employment is the single... Read more

Have your say on charity fundraising in Scotland Read more

Key findings 80% of Scottish charities receive some form of donations and fundraised income from the general public. Donations account for 11% of third sector income. In 2013 donations rose to an all-time high of £537 million, growing by £66 million between 2012 and 2013. This... Read more

Sadly my internship has come to an end! :( It feels like I was only taken on a few weeks ago, so these three months have gone by very quickly. I am very grateful to have been given the opportunity to work for SCVO. Here are some of the things I've learned from the experience... Read more

Context Scotland’s First Minister has outlined her ambition for a socially just Scotland. This is to be founded on three key priorities – participation, prosperity and fairness. In practice we understand this to mean ending poverty, tackling inequalities, repositioning our... Read more

Hello! My name is Hoyam and I am a Digital Research Intern for the digital participation team and SCVO Labs. My role involves researching the digital activities of charities and non-profit organisations, not just in Scotland and the UK but internationally as well. Currently I am... Read more

Many may loathe seeing money being spent on fundraising, but investment now will ensure the sector can continue to provide high quality services and projects in the future. Read more

Survey shows large numbers of staff want to leave the third sector due to low pay, short-term contracts and stress. Read more

1 Methodology 1.1 Primary research This research briefing is based on a survey of the third sector workforce, the first sector-wide survey of employees to be carried out since 1999, and the first time that employees across the whole of the third sector have had the opportunity to... Read more

A new report from SCVO highlights the human cost of welfare reform - and it is a price too high to pay. Read more

Report summary In this report SCVO presents third sector perspectives on the impact of welfare reform on the people and communities it supports in Scotland. It is based on research carried out by SCVO during summer 2014. It builds on an earlier SCVO mapping study which reported... Read more

Do we really need another charity giving campaign? We’ve just had the hyped-up shopping binges of Black Friday and Cyber Monday and now today we have a new online campaign to encourage people to give their time and money to good causes under the #givingtuesday banner. When told... Read more

Rhetorical question: can something really be called a ‘snapshot’ when it takes five months to produce? Every two years SCVO data elves analyse hundreds of third sector annual accounts to produce a snapshot of the sector’s finances and analyse the key trends in the sector’s income... Read more

Background This is the first in a series of research briefings which outline the headline findings of SCVO’s 2014 panel survey, and gives an overview of how the third sector funds its work and where it spends its money. The figures are based on detailed analysis of annual... Read more

Ten tips on encouraging people to join your board. Read more

Last week I had a dilemma. What to wear to a poverty and social exclusion conference? I know that seems shallow given the serious context, but something just feels wrong about sitting in a nice room in smart clothes discussing how many people can’t afford to clothe their kids... Read more

Scotland and the world around it are changing. From demography to technology, environment to economy, faith to fiscal policy, nothing about our society is standing still. For the third sector, how Scotland changes in the next two to three years matters less than how it changes in... Read more

Putting people at the heart of Scotland's future We want a Scotland that has a shared sense of purpose, is fair and prosperous, and where the entire population has the opportunity to participate on equal terms. This ambition is the biggest political, policy and practical... Read more

Introduction This paper is the second in a series that looks to promote conversation about some of the big issues in the run-up to and period after the 2014 Scottish Referendum, amplifying the voice and ideas of the third sector and the people it supports. The Scottish Council... Read more

Applied Futurologist Tom Cheesewright spoke at February’s Gathering, and we now have the report on that session available for you to read. Tom highlighted what will affect our sector and those we work with – demographic change, technology change, changes in the way we work… And... Read more

Ilse Mackinnon takes a look at why the latest round of third sector stats left us scratching our heads. Read more

About these statistics This page pulls together statistics for 2014/2015 from a range of sources, including SCVO, OSCR and the Scottish Housing Regulator. Financial data is based on charity accounts for 2013/14. Key facts The Scottish voluntary sector encompasses an estimated 4... Read more

SCVO media release New figures show vital role third sector plays in Scotland New figures released today (Wednesday 19 February) by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) show that the third sector’s turnover has grown to £4.9bn, having doubled over the last... Read more

More options download full report as a PDF document download full report as a Word document Executive Summary Community Jobs Scotland Background 1. Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) is a Scottish Government funded job creation programme that performs a dual function as: An... Read more

In the newly released SCVO report into the future health and confidence of the sector, it’s clear that our sector is viewing 2014 with some pretty mixed feelings. Read more

Zero hours contracts are bad for workers and bad for customers Read more

Commentary The third sector is clearly making a real difference to the lives of people in Scotland and is heading in the right direction again despite a challenging economic environment. This isn’t just good news for the staff and volunteers who work within the sector, it also... Read more

These data tables accompany the State of the Sector 2013 report. Figure 1 The increase/decrease in organisation size reported by respondents between 2007 and 2013. Over the last 12 months has your organisation: 2007 2008 2009 (estimate) 2010 (estimate) 2011 2012 2013 Grown in... Read more

The bigger picture A new economy – less dependency Examining the future of welfare in Scotland without understanding why people are dependent on a myriad of benefits and allowances is a mistake. Within the third sector, and more widely, there is a growing call for our economy to... Read more

The survey This survey was undertaken to discover what the third sector currently feels about the debate; whether it is having any impact on organisations; and what they hope to see come out of the debate in the coming year. As SCVO will be holding an event on referendum issues... Read more

Introduction Scotland is in a privileged position as we debate our future as a nation. We have a unique opportunity to debate the kind of society we want to see, and the ways in which we might achieve this vision. The future of welfare and the possibility that Scotland could do... Read more

Overview The impact of welfare reform has been felt across Scotland, and, as research commissioned by the Scottish Parliament’s Welfare Reform Committee shows, the most deprived areas in Scotland will take the biggest financial hit. With the reforms taking more than £1.6bn a year... Read more

Overview This paper is written by one of Scotland’s leading social policy experts Jim McCormick. It examines the impacts of the UK Government’s welfare cuts and reforms. SCVO’s starting point is that the UK coalition Government’s welfare cuts are unmerited and unjust. They are... Read more