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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Support & learning blog

Total posts: 35 | Pages: 2 of 4

Spring is the season of new beginnings, which in terms of good governance can mean taking a look at recruiting new trustees to ensure your board is as effective as it can be. Effectiveness is one of the five principles of the Scottish Governance Code for the Third Sector which... Read more

I hope you’ve got 20 and 21 February marked in your diary for a trip to Glasgow. It’s the big event! The Gathering, the UK’s largest free third sector event in the UK is where you’ll find over 60 free workshops, seminars and training sessions and over 100 exhibitors. It’s your... Read more

This is the final blog in a series celebrating Trustees Week and the launch of the Scottish Governance Code for the Third Sector. I hope you’ve found them useful and have maybe managed to attend an event to celebrate all that is great about trustees and Scotland’s third sector... Read more

The principle of the trustees being in control of their organisation is essential to good governance, and is one of the five main principles of the Scottish Governance Code for the Third Sector. As with all of the Code principles, how a board might demonstrate and implement the... Read more

If you’re one of the more than 250,000 trustees in Scotland, you’ll know that good governance is vital to the success and sustainability of your organisation. That’s why this week sees the launch of the new Scottish Governance Code for the Third Sector. One of the five principles... Read more

Board behaviour, both collectively and individually, can have a far-reaching impact on an organisation’s reputation and success. While working on SCVO’s Information Service I have seen too many organisations seriously damaged by dysfunctional boards where mutual respect... Read more

Today I’m excited to be at the Trustees Week Conference in Glasgow, which marks the start of Trustees Week to celebrate all the great work that trustees do across Scotland. Today also marks the launch of the new Scottish Governance Code for the Third Sector. The Code has taken... Read more

Did you know that all charity trustees are collectively responsible for the effective financial management of their organisation? No, it’s not just down to the treasurer… That’s why it’s essential, if you’re a trustee, that you have a handle on your charity’s finances, and are... Read more

Scotland’s Third Sector Governance Forum was set up in 2009 after a roundtable meeting to discuss findings from study into leadership and governance that showed that boards consistently rated their organisational effectiveness higher that the CEO and staff of the organisation. At... Read more

We all know how hard it can be to recruit trustees, but a new report has found that it’s not that people aren’t interested in being on a board - the problem is down to poor recruitment practices that are in danger of damaging the effectiveness of charities across the UK. The... Read more

Rhona McAdam from SCVO pro bono service partner Burness Paull shares advice on handling the awkward situation of removing charity trustees Read more

A taste of what we have planned for Trustees - and there's still time to book Read more

Efficient ways to get information, monitor performance and make decisions Read more

That's when mediation can help Read more

A video to round off #trusteesweek 2016 Read more

It's important for trustees to keep on building better governance Read more

Calling all trustees - here's your guide to what really matters Read more

More top tips to help trustees do a great job in 2016 Read more

Any New Year resolutions? How about being a more accountable trustee? Read more

Four Trustees reflect on their experiences Read more

How developments in technology, politics and society affect the work of trustees Read more

As our #trusteesweek blogs continue, the focus is on having a clear understanding of what's expected Read more

Trustee recruitment is about knowing what skills you’re looking for and making your new trustees feel welcome. Read more