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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Support & learning blog

Total posts: 210 | Pages: 11 of 21

New round of grants for charities working hard to get people online Read more

With Scotland's next census to be conducted mostly online, third sector organisations have an opportunity to give feedback and help shape its delivery. Read more

A disruptive approach which makes the most of digital can be of huge benefit to the third sector. Read more

Development Officer Eilidh unveils the next stage for the One Digital project Read more

One Digital programme tours the country, delivering basic digital skills to third sector folk everywhere Read more

Second in a series of blogs of useful digital resources from Head of Digital Participation at SCVO, Sally Dyson Read more

Over the past few months, we’ve been working away at SCVO to develop Good HQ, a new digital platform for people to engage with the third sector in Scotland. We’re aiming for Good HQ to be a place where people can support the organisations and causes they care about by sharing... Read more

Information makes the world go round - sit down - it's you, me and a cup of tea Read more

Skyscanner's Mike Hall shares his favourite business reads for charities who aspire to be more digital. Read more

Collaboration rather than competition was the overriding theme at the One Digital stakeholder event in London on 25th May. Read more

For the past two months, the One Digital team has been travelling across Scotland to help charities understand the benefits of digital, both for themselves, and for their clients. Read more

There's a fantastic new way for organisations to pool knowledge & resources to help increase digital skills. Read more

A picture paints a thousand words: Scottish Women's Aid's policy worker Jo Ozga on how the organisation is using digital media to enable women experiencing domestic abuse to tell their own story. Read more

One Digital has been successfully chosen as a finalist for this year’s Digital Leaders 100 list in the category, Cross-Sector Digital Collaboration of the Year along with its Programme Director, Emma Weston, in the category Digital Leader of the Year. Read more

With the One Digital project steaming ahead, it's important that everyone has the opportunity to get involved in our training opportunities. Make sure that you don't miss out! Read more

In our 2nd One Digital blog, find out how Fran Thow from The Food Train will use digital to get to grips with her newsletters Read more

In our new series of One Digital blogs, find out how participant Jennifer Watson from Jewish Care Scotland plans to pass on her digital skills Read more

Innovative online BSL video relay interpreting service contactSCOTLAND is expanding to the 3rd sector Read more

Talking Mats uses digital technology to support people with communication difficulties and improve their access to the digital world Read more

Libraries are at the forefront of helping communities discover the best of digital technology Read more

Visibility on the impact of their Digital Dynamo Award Read more

In 2015, staff members at the Centre for Nordic Studies worked on a fantastic Digital Heritage Project. Read more

Sally's on the look out for organisations working hard to bridge the digital divide Read more

Explore, achieve and extend your learning goals with Playbase Online Read more

This year we're creating digital champions in over 600 organisations to help everyone in Scotland get online Read more

It's been a busy year for SCVO's Digital Team... Read more

Can your organisation provide digital inclusion training or assisted digital support? You've got until 18 January to get on the new UK government supplier framework. Read more

We're launching an exciting new platform for the Digital Participation Charter Read more

Lessons from a fantastic Challenge Fund project Read more

A fantastic evening at the Herald Digital Business Awards celebrated charities working with digital. Read more

Get Online Week is a great opportunity to introduce people to the benefits of the internet. Read more

An inspiring digital inclusion project from North Highland Language Centre Read more

In celebration of Get Online Week, Happus are offering free advice & support to help people get online. Read more

And all of the opportunities and challenges ahead for the people we care about. Read more

SCVO's Team Digital have an exciting announcement to make! Read more

Developing digital skills and changing lives - Flourish House and their fantastic Challenge Fund supported digital inclusion project Read more

Craig Stephenson, Digital Inclusion Officer at Link Group Ltd, on the trials and tribulations of running a successful Challenge Fund project. Read more

We're living in a smartphone society, according to Ofcom Read more

A flavour of our fab Challenge Fund supported digital inclusion projects Read more

In the words of the Rolling Stones - please allow me to introduce myself. Read more

Hot off the press: our first annual report on digital participation in Scotland. Read more

SCVO’s Digital Participation team are pleased to announce the arrival of their very own Twitter handle! Read more

Sarah Quinn, Marketing Officer at Visibility, talks about Visibility's great night at the Scottish Charity Awards Read more

Reflections on our journey around the country to talk about digital participation Read more

Digital Inclusion has been a top priority in BT’s corporate responsibility programme for many years now. We have three clear aims and we’re working towards three ambitious targets, set out in our Better Future strategy. Connected Society – We believe in the power of... Read more

“There is a crisis in skills and the understanding of the digital world’s power and potential," said the internet entrepreneur Baroness Martha Lane Fox during her recent BBC Dimbleby lecture. Addressing that skills gap underpins much of Media Trust’s work in the digital training... Read more

The Easter Bunny has been, spring has well and truly arrived and the Let’s Get On roadshow is up and running. On a bright and sunny morning Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure, Investment and Cities Keith Brown came along to Lidl in Dalry in Edinburgh to launch the initiative... Read more

Over the past year we've been amazed at the breadth and creativity of activity taking place across Scotland to help people get online and gain Basic Digital Skills. Some projects and stories we are able to share on our website, other's we're able to share via our audiences at... Read more

I am a great believer that Digital has the opportunity to reduce costs, improve services and change lives. I had to renew my kids' passports recently. My experience was that the online form was simple and quick to complete, gave me a copy for my own records by default and then a... Read more

Was that another Gathering that just zipped by? In a blur, after months of planning, what feels like a brief few seconds whizzing past - it's done, gone for another year. Already there are cries from the team of ‘how is it that planning for the Gathering 2016 is on the agenda... Read more

Ever wondered what people at SCVO get up to on the internet? Here are some of our favourite digital platforms, as voted by our staff. Read more

Five digital workshops, meeting some inspiring people, free manicure and walking away with a Kindle; just some of the highlights of my first ever Gathering! Read more

We have a new mantra - Basic Digital Skills. Sally reflects on the changes and what it means for us in Scotland. Read more

On Monday I was fortunate enough to be able to attend a fantastic free lecture hosted by Scotland’s 2020 Climate Group. The lecture entitled ‘Digital Changes Everything’ focused on using digital technologies and communications to address climate change. Ian Abbott Donnelly, of... Read more

The conference that put the "social" in social media Read more

It's Safer Internet Day tomorrow (10th Feb), sign up and support this fantastic initiative to make the internet a safer place for everyone. Read more

Mary blogs on the challenges of the Challenge Fund and her top tips for potential applicants. Read more

Alex Stobart from Mydex on person centred services. Read more

Team Digital share their resolutions for 2015. Read more

Iain Robertson on Scottish libraries pioneering approach to digital participation. Read more

Preparations for round two of the Challenge Fund awards and key dates for your diaries. Read more

Sally reviews what has been a fantastic year for Team Digital and considers our resolutions for 2015. Read more

Helen McFarlane, Programme Director of Allied Health Professions at NHS Education for Scotland, explains how a new campaign is aiming to improve the quality of life for people who have problems speaking. Read more

In which Team Digital returns to rock SCVO's annual Third Sector Summit. Read more

Ian Watson, Knowledge Media Programme Manager, explains why IRISS have signed up to the Charter and highlights the importance of digital participation in the workplace. Read more

Liz Green, Senior Development Officer at YouthLink Scotland, introduces the Digitally Agile National Principles. Read more

Ian Blewett from Scottish Enterprise explains why they've signed up to the Digital Participation Charter. Read more

The next leg of the DigiScotFest tour finds SCVO's digital participation team in Dumfries and Galloway. Read more

Our digital challenge fund has launched and calls are out for applications from organisations helping people flourish in the digital age. Read more

If someone you know is ready to take their first steps online, it's easier than ever to find help and support near you. Read more

Brendan Dick, Director BT Scotland, takes on a whistle stop tour of people getting online across Scotland Read more

It's the UK's 8th national Get Online Week, and we're giving things an extra push in Scotland too Read more

Information literacy used to be viewed as a rather specialised academic issue, but this is no longer the case. Find out more about information literacy and why it is so important to a democratic society and the third sector. Read more

More public services are going digital. It’s time to ask “what would you like to do online?” Let’s be ambitious! Read more

Young Scot is not alone in facing digital participation challenges. Here’s what we’re doing to overcome them. Read more

It's been a busy summer for Team Digital. Here's what's coming up and who's doing what. Read more

Sally Dyson encourages you to get involved in the Let's Get On campaign by sharing your stories to inspire others to get online. Read more

Following on from getting a whole group of folk together in the central belt to talk about all things digital we’re really pleased to be able to bring together colleagues in the North of Scotland. In partnership with Highlands and Islands Enterprise and The Royal Society of... Read more

SCVO’s Digital Participation team asked its Leadership Group members what are the key digital participation challenges their organisations are facing. This month’s instalment is from Tommy Laughlin from ScotlandIS Read more

The latest Scottish Household Survey (SHS) results were published last week and its section on digital participation and the use of the internet (page 76) is well worth a look. It covers four key areas: Take up of internet and broadband with a focus on how this varies by income... Read more

A whole week in October will be dedicated to helping everyone get to grips with the online world Read more

Rebecca Stafford shares her thoughts on the recent 'Is the Internet a Human Right?' event in Edinburgh. Read more

SCVO’s Digital Participation team asked its Leadership Group members what are the key digital participation challenges their organisations are facing. First up is Elma Murray, Chief Executive, North Ayrshire Council Read more

There has been a great strategic focus on digital inclusion in Scotland this year, with new strategies from both the Scottish and UK governments and the excellent report from the Royal Society of Edinburgh. The need for a new approach and a new focus on tackling digital exclusion... Read more

Lynne, SCVO's new Digital Participation Development Officer, says the hard data is just the start when measuring progress on digital participation Read more

In which we take the challenge of digital participation to the UK's digital leaders Read more

It might have been the first digital participation “unconference” in Scotland but it certainly won’t be the last Read more

The internet brings great opportunity, but the way we use it risks excluding and exploiting those who need it most Read more

Notes from the latest meeting of the Ministerial Advisory Group on Digital Participation Read more

Go4IT is making sure the people with the most to gain from the online world aren’t getting left behind Read more

Just over two weeks to go, and we've added the Speaker's Commission on Digital Democracy to the lineup Read more

Helping people use the web is a complement, not a substitute, for other efforts on social inclusion Read more

Gosia from Third Age Computer Fun explains how it's never too late to go digital Read more

... quite simply, so you don’t miss out on the most diverse discussions about digital participation in Scotland this year #DigiScotFest14 Read more

And how participation and digital skills are central to jobs, growth and inclusion Read more

...and all the right noises, but actions speak louder than words Read more

We're planning a festival of ideas for getting everyone in Scotland online. Read more