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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

SCVO news blog

Total posts: 371 | Pages: 7 of 38

SCVO has long strived to do its best to reflect the diversity of Scottish society and worked hard to be an inclusive organisation that colleagues, members, and the voluntary sector can contribute to, without barriers. However, the events of the summer of 2020 made us stop and... Read more

The beginning of June saw the SCVO Board meet to discuss how they demonstrate and evidence the Scottish Governance Code for the Third Sector principle of Board Behaviour, and I’m pleased to say that nobody ended up on the naughty step. The principle states that ‘A well-run board... Read more

As Volunteers Week draws to a close, we can all look back and celebrate volunteers across the UK, who, like us all, have had a year unlike any other. Volunteer efforts didn’t stop during the pandemic, in fact more people got involved in their local communities. From looking out... Read more

Waiting for the announcement of the new Scottish Cabinet and ministers is final throes of the excitement of an election. I spend weeks combing through manifesto commitments, over-analysing what’s said in speeches and debates – seeing glimmers of hope and harbingers of doom. I... Read more

In response to today's announcement of the new Scottish Cabinet, SCVO Chief Executive Anna Fowlie said: “On behalf of all of us at SCVO, I would like to welcome Shona Robison to her new role as Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government which includes... Read more

Last Tuesday we heard the First Minister sounding more hopeful than she had in quite a while. I clicked off the briefing expecting to be able to see and hug my family and friends. I live in Glasgow and it feels like that hope was a wee bit misplaced- we’re now significantly more... Read more

We have recently launched a major upgrade to our Funding Scotland service. Funding Scotland gives access to up to date, high-quality information on funding opportunities for voluntary organisations. It is free to any organisation in Scotland and lets you search over 1,000 funding... Read more

There’s probably a lot of us taking stock right now, looking back over the last year wondering, 'did that all really happen?!' Well in the case of SCVO as a membership organisation, it definitely wasn’t the year we had planned. We were in the midst of undertaking vital engagement... Read more

Earlier this week it was my pleasure to host a webinar to launch our Never More Needed short film, and bring together a panel to discuss what we can learn from the pandemic about the sector’s role. The film reflects the vital role voluntary organisations play throughout our lives... Read more

Eleven-year-old Edward had pitched a tent in the far corner of his garden, surrounded by a sleeping bag, walking poles and camping chair. Then, when the shot was ready, Edward held up the most prized prop – a photograph of all the vegetables he had grown during lockdown to earn... Read more

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) has today released a short film showcasing the difference that charities, community groups and social enterprises are making to people and communities during the coronavirus pandemic. The film – created by Media Co-op - is... Read more

Historic Environment Scotland (HES), Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIFA) and SCVO have joined forces to support heritage organisations of all types to create new jobs for young, unemployed people though the Kickstart programme. They are looking for heritage... Read more

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is calling for charities and individuals across the country to apply for its annual charity awards. Now in its 15th year, the Scottish Charity Awards highlight the best, most innovative and effective charity organisations... Read more

A new strategic partnership has been launched to boost collaboration between the voluntary sector and national and local government. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) and the Scottish Government have... Read more

Young people and job seekers in communities across Scotland will be able to access free training to support work skills and career prospects through a new portal launched today (9 March 2021). The Skills for Work portal has been developed by The Open University in partnership... Read more

SCVO has helped thousands of young jobseekers across the country find work through its Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) programme, which works with voluntary sector organisations to offer young people aged 16 to 29 years a job. The programme focusses on those who are most... Read more

For nearly 12 months now we have all been encouraged to work from home if we can. The town and city centre offices where many of us had been based are now largely empty spaces, lying dormant, waiting on our return one day. As the months have drawn on our thoughts have shifted to... Read more

Three new funds announced today will support people across Scotland to gain essential digital skills and internet access. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) has been working with Scottish Government, BT, Cellnex and Edinburgh & Lothians Health Foundation to... Read more

Update 25th May 2022: the full Gathering programme is now available and bookings are open It's hard to believe that just a year ago thousands of us came together at the SEC in Glasgow for The Gathering. We didn’t have any physical distancing in place, we didn’t wear masks, use... Read more

Now that the Social Renewal Advisory Board’s report If Not Now, When? has hit the digital newsstands and I’m seeing the reactions in the twitter bubble, I’d like to share some thoughts. When I was asked to join the advisory board, I was pretty dubious. One of my favourite songs... Read more

Following this week's publication of the report 'If not now, when?' from the Social Renewal Advisory Board – established in June 2020 by the Scottish Government to consider Scotland's social renewal in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic – SCVO’s Chief Executive, Anna Fowlie... Read more

Research findings published today by Scotland’s charity regulator have been welcomed by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) for highlighting the difficulties voluntary sector organisations across the country are facing due to the impact of coronavirus... Read more

About 18 months ago, I started thinking about shifting our AGM online. I saw how successful it had been for ACEVO, the English equivalent of ACOSVO, and thought it could work for us. It would allow more people to participate as they wouldn’t have to travel and might be less... Read more

Scotland’s charities and community organisations have seen a dramatic fall in income due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, yet with more and more people in need of support, for many demand is soaring. Many others are struggling to emerge from a hard stop when they are... Read more

SCVO Chief Executive Anna Fowlie today welcomed Scottish Government’s position statement on the post-Brexit replacement for European funding:“The UK Government has been promising details of a UK Shared Prosperity Fund for two years now, but we remain completely in the dark... Read more

Changing goalposts Responding to the coronavirus pandemic has left voluntary sector organisations to interpret operating guidance and how it applies to them and their services. It can feel like none of us have definitive answers, and the rate of change is fast and confusing. We... Read more

Maureen McGinn – Convener of Children in Scotland Board – has joined the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) as Honorary President. As former Chair of the Scotland Committee of the National Lottery Community Fund and former Trustee of Evaluation Support Scotland... Read more

On Thursday 15 October, SCVO Credit Union and our international counterparts will come together to celebrate International Credit Union Day and the role that financial cooperatives play in improving the communities they serve and the lives of their members the world over. This... Read more

Since lockdown hit, we’ve worked together as a staff team at SCVO to do everything we can from our makeshift desks and offices to support the voluntary sector to respond to the coronavirus pandemic. I’m proud of everything we’ve done and I’m even more proud to tell you about a... Read more

What leads to a good partnership between a charity and private business? This was the question the Institute of Directors Scotland recently set Melanie Hill from Scottish Power, Ryan Donaghy from SCVO and myself in a discussion hosted by their Chair, Aidan O’Carroll. The... Read more

Charities and individuals from across Scotland have been recognised for the life-changing difference they make at the 2020 Scottish Charity Awards on 25 September. Run annually by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), the Scottish Charity Awards celebrate the... Read more

It will come as no surprise that funding has been at the top of the agenda over the last few months. Since the beginning of lockdown, visits to SCVO’s online funding search, Funding Scotland, have increased by 50% from the same period last year and funding continues to be the top... Read more

In June, I spotted a colleague who works in the sector in England issue an open invitation on Twitter for a virtual cup of tea. After six weeks in lockdown I was already starting to miss the office cooler chit chat and the chance encounters over coffee at meetings, so I put out a... Read more

At our latest Open Door webinar, we invited National Clinical Director Jason Leitch to participate in a Q&A about public health issues for voluntary sector organisations emerging from lockdown due to coronavirus. Professor Leitch opened the session with a reminder that the... Read more

Run annually by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), the Scottish Charity Awards celebrate the best of Scotland’s voluntary sector. This year’s shortlist includes 45 individuals and organisations from charities and voluntary groups across the country. While a... Read more

This week, the Scottish Government published its landmark review of the progress Scotland has made in delivering the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aim to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. The review was developed in partnership... Read more

As lockdown eases, we are all having to take responsibility. The advice we are following is increasingly nuanced, and our personal feelings about risk and rules are being exposed. Some of us are happy to book holidays abroad and cross our fingers that they won’t be cancelled... Read more

Following this week's publication of the report 'Towards a robust, resilient wellbeing economy for Scotland' from the independent Advisory Group on Economic Recovery - established in April 2020 by the Scottish Government to advise on Scotland’s economic recovery in the wake of... Read more

SCVO has come together with the Third Sector Employability Forum (TSEF) to combine the knowledge within TSEF and its network on employability, and the capacity of SCVO to reach the whole of the voluntary sector and to liaise with government. TSEF provides an effective, collective... Read more

Following today's announcement during the Scottish Parliament Debate: COVID-19 Next Steps (Communities) about the creation of the Social Renewal Advisory Board to drive progress towards a fairer, more equal Scotland in the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, SCVO Chief... Read more

Right now many charity trustees will be making some of the most challenging decisions that they have had to make. Many will be worried about making the "right decision". By way of comfort for charity trustees, it is not necessarily a question of if their decision is the "right... Read more

A total of 8.4 million jobs in the UK have been furloughed (as of 24 May), many of whom would have likely been made redundant if the government hadn’t launched the Job Retention Scheme (JRS), which currently pays 80% of employees’ wages. This has come at a cost of over £17.... Read more

As the sun shone this weekend, many of us were pleased that lockdown restrictions were eased slightly as we entered Phase 1 in Scotland’s route map through and out of the coronavirus crisis. As we move into the next phase, it is important to understand the impacts of the initial... Read more

1-7 June is Volunteers’ Week – always a time to celebrate and say thank you for the fantastic contribution millions of volunteers make across the UK all year round. During the last few months we have seen an amazing volunteer response to the coronavirus pandemic, with many... Read more

I saw this quote the other day, a good wee mantra to have just now… "We may be stuck here for a little while, but adventures are coming and more reasons to smile." Our members and the fantastic support they are offering across Scotland right now is certainly giving us lots of... Read more

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted on every aspect of our lives, in a way that none of us has ever experienced. The speed and extremity of the impact is unprecedented, and the country was not prepared. The voluntary sector has seen a sudden, dramatic reduction in income... Read more

The second round of the Scottish Government’s Wellbeing Fund is now open to applications from voluntary sector organisations providing crucial services to people as a result of coronavirus. The Fund is being delivered through an innovative model which involves national... Read more

The Third Sector Employability Forum (TSEF) and Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) have joined forces to provide a platform and collective voice for voluntary sector organisations in Scotland, in relation to policy and practice in employability services. Through... Read more

Following this afternoon's announcement by the First Minister that the Wellbeing Fund is now open for expressions of interest from all third sector organisations, SCVO Chief Executive Anna Fowlie said: "The Wellbeing Fund has already seen much-needed money get to the frontline... Read more

If you are looking for information, advice, support or want to help out; we have launched a new website where you will find lots of information: Use the search facility to find help with: Emotional or social support Food/grocery delivery Mutual aid... Read more

In response to today's funding announcement by Aileen Campbell, Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government, SCVO Chief Executive Anna Fowlie said: "I am delighted that today Aileen Campbell, Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government, and her colleagues in... Read more

Anna Fowlie, Chief Executive of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) said: “Following the confirmation of cases of COVID-19 in Scotland, we are urging our members and the wider voluntary sector in Scotland to take care of the health of their staff, volunteers... Read more

A national charity event held recently at Glasgow’s SEC brought thousands of people together to donate items to Simon Community Scotland’s Period Friendly Initiative. The Gathering – now in it’s 16th year – is a two-day annual event run by the Scottish Council for Voluntary... Read more

SCVO launched The Catalyst, a ground-breaking initiative to support thousands of charities to make use of digital at The Gathering Read more

I sometimes think that SCVO could stand for ‘Sarah Chats to Voluntary Organisations’, as it nicely sums up what I do. My role is all about membership engagement – committed to growing and developing our membership, by making sure our members are supported as best we can. And that... Read more

The Saltire Awards website was recently re-launched with a new website frontend built by SCVO. This was developed in-house by SCVO in close collaboration with TSIs (Third Sector Interfaces). Find out more about TSI Network Scotland. TSIs across the whole of Scotland will... Read more

At the start of the year we announced a brand refresh for SCVO. We want SCVO to be easy to understand and engage with so our members and the wider sector can benefit from as much of what we offer as possible. And we think a strong brand has a big part to play in this. It’s a big... Read more

The Gathering will be held at Glasgow’s SEC from 19-20 February 2020, bringing charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups together to learn, share and celebrate the best of the voluntary sector. Organised annually by SCVO, The Gathering attracts thousands of attendees and... Read more

I’m really excited to announce that the New Year heralds a brand refresh for all things SCVO. We’ll be lifting the lid on the new SCVO brand at this year’s Gathering on 19&20 February in Glasgow at the SEC. You might also spot some changes starting to happen before then, so we... Read more

At an event to celebrate the best of Scotland’s voluntary sector last night (Monday 6 January 2020), First Minister Nicola Sturgeon launched the Scottish Charity Awards 2020 and encouraged charities from across the country to apply and share their successes. Speaking from... Read more

December marks the end of my six-year tenure as Trustee of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO). I’ve been reflecting on my regular journeys to Edinburgh and all the different experiences being a volunteer Trustee has brought, and what strikes me is the amazing... Read more

At our recent AGM we shared a lot of the great stuff we've been doing over the past 12 months and I'm excited to say there’s more to come! I’m particularly looking forward to the membership review. Our new team have been busy laying the foundations and now they’re getting ready... Read more

It's been a busy year since our last AGM. We've had changes at a senior level, moving from five directors to two – Tim Hencher, Strategic Director of Delivery, and David McNeill, Strategic Director of Development - with a new management structure below that. In April, we launched... Read more

Commenting on the Equalities and Human Rights Committee’s report, ‘Looking ahead to the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget 2020-21: Valuing the Third Sector’, Anna Fowlie, Chief Executive of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) said: “SCVO strongly supports the... Read more

Coming up with all the right ingredients for a hit event at the Gathering can feel challenging - but don't worry as help is at hand. A whopping 65 events take place across two days at the Gathering attracting thousands of people with different interests and roles. But why should... Read more

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is delighted to announce that in Round 3 of the Carer Act Transformation Support (CATS) fund, 22 voluntary organisations throughout Scotland have been awarded grants to help them to continue to develop local capacity... Read more

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national membership organisation for charities, voluntary groups and social enterprises. It works to support, promote and develop a confident, sustainable voluntary sector in Scotland. Part of SCVO’s work focuses on... Read more

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations’ (SCVO), in partnership with the Scottish Government and BT, has been delivering the Digital Participation Charter Fund over the past five years, supporting 169 projects across Scotland to get people online and develop essential... Read more

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) has issued an open letter to all UK Parliament party leaders demanding action to stop a no-deal exit from the European Union. The letter – sent on 19 August 2019 - highlights the hugely negative impact no-deal Brexit could... Read more

In response to today’s publication of the Charity Tax Commission’s ‘Reforming charity taxation’ report, Anna Fowlie, Chief Executive of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) said: “SCVO welcomes the Commission’s attempt to undertake a fundamental review of... Read more

A radical new UK collaborative has launched today (Thursday 11 July 2019) in response to the clear call from civil society groups to increase and improve their use of digital tools and techniques. Catalyst - incubated by the Centre of Acceleration of Social Technology (CAST) – is... Read more

Following the publication of a report on the Scottish Government’s charity law consultation issued this afternoon (Wednesday 3 July 2019), David McNeill, Director of Development for the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) said: “SCVO welcomes the broad support... Read more

J.P. Morgan and Good Things Foundation have today launched ‘Power Up’, a £1.3 million project designed to support people in underserved communities to build the digital skills that they need to qualify for in-demand jobs. Power Up will support activity in Bournemouth, east London... Read more

Credit: Colin Hattersley Photography Charities and individuals from across Scotland have been recognised for the life-changing difference they make at the 2019 Scottish Charity Awards, which took place at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre on Friday 14 June. Organised... Read more

In response to an article published today on the suspension of European Social Fund grants in Scotland, SCVO Chief Executive Anna Fowlie said: “SCVO has been working with Scottish Government and colleagues in the voluntary sector since this potentially devastating situation... Read more

As the Scottish Parliament is marking its 20th anniversary this month, the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) have chosen to mark this milestone by working with representatives from across the voluntary sector to produce a limited-edition book. Entitled Charities... Read more

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) has been recognised as a Carer Positive employer. The Carer Positive award is presented to employers in Scotland who have a working environment where carers are valued and supported. Carer Positive employers recognise the... Read more

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is set to launch a third round of the Carers Act Transformation Support (CATS) Fund on behalf of the Scottish Government, to give third sector organisations involved in the local implementation of the Carers (Scotland) Act... Read more

Scottish Charity Awards 2019 Finalists Announced Run annually by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), the Scottish Charity Awards celebrate the best of Scotland’s third sector. This year’s shortlist includes 44 individuals and organisations from charities and... Read more

Responding to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon's announcement that the Scottish Government will work to establish a Citizens' Assembly in Scotland, Chief Executive of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) Anna Fowlie said: “The First Minister’s commitment to... Read more

The Scottish Government’s review of Scottish charity law is currently taking place, and the recent call for responses to the consultation has now closed - you can view SCVO's response on our policy page. While SCVO welcomes the opportunity to review charity law, the organisation... Read more

A popular grants scheme which helps charities boost their cyber resilience has returned for 2019. Funded by the Scottish Government and managed by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), the scheme will support charities with grants of up to £1,000 to help them... Read more

A campaign calling for an independent review of the impact of Brexit on health and social care is set to continue. The Assess and Address campaign was created in response to concerns raised by those in the third sector over the implications that Brexit will have for health and... Read more

Attendees from SCVO’s Gathering donate hundreds of items to local foodbank A Glasgow foodbank has received a big donation following the largest third sector event in the UK. The Gathering – hosted annually by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) - attracts... Read more

Public urged to support local causes through turbulent times Charity workers in Scotland are struggling amidst ongoing economic, social and political uncertainty, according to findings published today. A survey conducted by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO... Read more

Today, (Thursday 14 February) the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) held a webinar with UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Professor Philip Alston. The live event provided an opportunity for civil society representatives in Scotland to... Read more

SCVO is calling for charities and individuals across the country to apply for our annual charity awards. Now in its 13th year, the Scottish Charity Awards highlight the best, most innovative and effective charity organisations and individuals from the past year, and celebrate... Read more

A new round of funding designed to help people get online and develop essential digital skills was launched today (30 January) by Minister for Public Finance and Digital Economy Kate Forbes at Big Hearts Community Trust in Edinburgh. Over the past five years, the Scottish Council... Read more

Following the release of the Scottish Government's 'Fair Start Scotland', 'Work First Scotland' & 'Work Able Scotland' statistics publication, the fifth publication in a series about the devolved Scottish employability services, SCVO's Chief Executive Anna Fowlie responded today... Read more

Politicians are set to consider plans for an independent review of Brexit’s impact on health and social care. Brendan O’Hara MP introduced a Private Member’s Bill at the House of Commons last week (14 November 2018) in response to concerns raised by those in the third sector... Read more

The UK’s first Charity Digital Code of Practice has launched today following an extensive consultation and input from across the sector. The Code, which has been produced to provide charities with practical advice on incorporating digital technology into their work, has been... Read more

Anna Fowlie, Chief Executive of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), today responded to Audit Scotland & the Accounts Commission's report ‘Health and social care integration: update on progress’: “The Auditor General has rightly reminded us that the purpose of... Read more

An SCVO colleague has been shortlisted for a prestigious award that recognises women in tech across the UK. Sally Dyson – Head of Digital Participation and Evolution at SCVO – is one of 200 women shortlisted in WeAreTechWomen’s TechWomen100 Awards 2018, which seeks to recognise... Read more

The Scottish Government has launched a grants scheme to help charities boost their cyber resilience. Managed by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), the scheme will support charities with grants of up to £1,000 to help them achieve cyber essentials... Read more

A new project has been launched which aims to better understand how food can be used to tackle poverty and social exclusion. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) and the University of Edinburgh are aiming to examine the work that food projects are doing to... Read more

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) has launched a second round of the Carers Act Transformation Support (CATS) Fund on behalf of the Scottish Government, to give third sector organisations involved in the local implementation of the Carers (Scotland) Act 201... Read more

A new Call to Action from the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) reviews how the third sector in Scotland has developed digitally since 2016. Based on the learning from work with leaders from over 80 organisations, the report states that organisations should not... Read more

SCVO, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) and One Parent Families Scotland (OPFS) have written a joint letter to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, ahead of today’s Opposition day debate on Universal Credit in the House of Commons. The piloting of... Read more

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) has today re-iterated its strong support for the UK to remain in the Single Market and Customs Union, following recommendations made in the Scottish Government’s paper ‘Scotland’s Place in Europe: Our Way Forward.’ In... Read more

Over the past four years, the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations’ (SCVO) Digital Participation Charter Fund – supported by the Scottish Government and BT – has provided funding to 150 projects across Scotland to get people online and develop basic digital skills... Read more